We are Canada's first and only politically driven animal welfare reform organization. Our sole objective is simply stated. Our journey to reach that goal is complicated, challenging and lengthy.
To radically improve the lives of all animals in Canada by the introduction and enactment of a FEDERAL Animal Welfare Act, in support of the WSPA / Canada/ UN UDAW initiative, the Universal Declaration on Animal Welfare; now supported (in principle) by the Canadian Government.
We are now in a new era, one of social change, sensibilities, consciousness and a growing awareness of the need for tangible compassion and humanity in our daily lives. Animal welfare is rapidly becoming a topic that must be addressed in this country.

Precious " TYSON" from Windsor Ontario May 15th 2010 who was so badly sexually abused he had to be put to sleep He suffered unspeakable pain and suffered terribly. CFAWR remembers him with all our love and will always hold him in our hearts!
Along with the need to support each other more than ever in this awakening has arisen the need to speak out for that for which we care for deeply. Canadians hold an inherent value for the animals in their lives and in this country. Canadians have the right to have legislation in place to protect that which they value and hold dear.
Canadians have elected and empowered our government to create legislation for the health and well being of our country and its citizens. Part of the job we have given them is to " listen" to what the people who put them into power are saying. With regard to the welfare of animals in this country, they are clearly not listening. This must change.
CFAWR cannot change the world, but we can change the country in which we live.
For too long now, the animals we cherish have been made to suffer the most unspeakable pain, suffering, abuse and torture because they have virtually no federal protection. From factory-farmed animals who are born into filth and degradation, who spend their short lives trapped in cruel confinement then, when "viable," are slaughtered inhumanly, to puppy farms, inhumane horse slaughter, dogs bred to fight, wild life and strays, and the abuse and torture of our companion animals, no creature has adequate protection under Canadian law. Some have no protection at all!
Why? Because our animals are written into our federal law as nothing more than corporeal property. There are no definitions of the ACTIVE and PASSIVE cruelty inflicted on them under Federal Law. There is no "DEFINITION" as to what an animal is. Our federal animal protection law contained in our Criminal Code is 116 years old. It contains a mere 3.5 pages with a total of 1,222 words to protect each and every kind of animal in Canada .
Provincial court judges may have provincial animal cruelty acts to utilize when sentencing perpetrators, but ultimately they have no remotely adequate federal animal cruelty legislation to turn to.
CFAWR believes that this issue and our record of the inhumanity with which people treat animals is a moral imperative for everyone.

Jalupae who was willfully allowed to starve and then hung to death on the bucket of an excavator Spring 2010 " You are always in out hearts precious Jalupae and we will never forget you!"
Our animals, your animals, the animals in our own world and in this country need our voices and they need them now. We depend on them for companionship, food and loyal service.
CFAWR is committed to a journey that will be long, arduous and complex. It is our belief that together as people and from all walks of life, whether we are politicians, homemakers, teachers, or trades people, we can make this unparalleled new change for the all of the animals in Canada .
Please go to our Events page and see what some of our plans are.
Together we can make history, by making animals matter!
"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever will or ever has."
Margaret Mead, American Anthropologist and Humanitarian.